Why We Exist

Purpose & Values

Mission & Vision

Highland Baptist Church is a congregation of believers who exist to glorify God through loving God and loving others. We are very passionate about biblical worship, fostering Christian community, and reaching our community and world for Christ.

We take our vision from Paul’s letter to the Colossians in which the apostle declares:

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

In other words, our desire is to make Christ known to everyone with the goal of producing mature followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this through the ministry of the word, proper administration of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, prayer, biblical worship, evangelism, and fellowship.


  • The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation, so the message of the gospel is the central message of the church. We believe that the gospel of Jesus is essential not only for getting saved, but also for growing deeper in the Christian faith.

  • The Bible is God’s word, thus the proclamation of God’s word is the central focus of the church’s pulpit ministry and Sunday School gatherings. At Highland, you will find expository preaching from the pulpit and the Bible taught in small groups. We are also committed to the Bible in the daily lives of believers and their families. As a body of believers we are committed to studying, believing, and obeying the word of God in every area of life.

  • At Highland, we place an emphasis on prayer—both individual and corporate. We commit to prayer in our daily walk as believers and we pray regularly as a the body of Christ when we gather for worship and fellowship.

  • The Triune God of Scripture is the one true living God and the God of our salvation; therefore, we seek to worship God in Spirit and truth as he has prescribed in his word. We seek to praise his name and glorify him in all that we do. Our worship services include reading and preaching the word, prayer, songs of praise, and the administration of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In addition to corporate worship, we value personal devotion and worship, as well as family worship in the home.

  • The local church is a local body of Christ. We value true Christian community and fellowship. We seek to come together for worship and Bible study as the gathered church, but we also strive to break bread together, to do life together, and to foster a sense of Christian community throughout our lives.

  • Before Jesus ascended to the Father’s right hand he gave the church a commission: To be his witnesses and make disciples of all people. Highland Baptist Church is committed to this command; therefore, we evangelize, host regular outreach activities for the community, support missionaries, partner with other churches for missions, and strive to serve the community through tangible acts of love.