January Newsletter

The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all that God has done and to anticipate the blessings He has in store for the days ahead. As we look back on 2024, we are filled with gratitude for the many ways the Lord has shown His kindness and faithfulness to us here at Highland Baptist Church. It has been a year of spiritual growth, meaningful fellowship, and countless reminders of God’s provision. Now, as we step into 2025, we do so with hearts full of hope and a desire to see His glory magnified even more in our church and community.

This time of new beginnings also provides a chance for us to refocus on our mission and purpose as a church. To guide us in this, we will be starting a special sermon series from Colossians 1:28–29, entitled “Him We Proclaim.” This series will help us clearly define our calling and renew our commitment to the work God has given us.

As Paul writes in these verses, our mission is to proclaim Christ to all people, to teach and disciple with wisdom, and to labor toward the goal of producing mature followers of Jesus. This is not a task we take on alone but one we approach with the strength that God so generously supplies. It is our joy and responsibility to make Christ known, and we believe this series will serve as a powerful reminder of what God has called us to do.

We are filled with anticipation for what the Lord will accomplish in 2025. It is our prayer that as a church family, we will be united in purpose and steadfast in proclaiming the gospel. We invite you to join us for this series of messages as we seek to align our hearts and efforts with God’s mission for Highland Baptist Church.

May this be a year where Christ’s name is exalted, His truth is proclaimed, and His love is demonstrated in our community. Together, let us labor for His glory, trusting that He will continue to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.


March Newsletter